App Development


My Role
App Developer
Nov '21 - Feb '24
Eneco is a Dutch energy company that operates in the renewable energy sector. Eneco is known for its focus on sustainability and its efforts to promote clean and green energy solutions. The company is involved in generating and supplying electricity, as well as providing services related to energy efficiency and sustainable practices.

In 2021, I joined Eneco as a freelancer, after years of experience with various companies. As an Android developer, my role was focused on contributing to the Android app & shared code between Android & iOS.

At Eneco, we adopted KMM, a multiplatform solution making code sharing between iOS and Android possible. This approach significantly improved development time while also allowing us to maintain a native app experience.

During my time at Eneco I implemented several big features, made improvements to current features but also improved the overall architecture of the app.  When I initially joined, the app team consisted of 5 developers. At this moment the app team already grew up to 12 developers. As part of this growth we also split up into different feature teams where I became part of the foundation team which was responsible for the app in general and the app architecture.