I build apps
that solve problems.

Hi! I’m Richard, a mobile app developer based in The Netherlands. I design & develop modern, user-friendly apps.

I worked for

Modern & User Friendly Apps

What I can do for you

Faster, better apps that your customers love. Here's all the services I provide:

Native Android Development
Native iOS Development
Mobile App Design
Applications I'm fluent in

Every developer needs the right tools to do the perfect job. Thankfully, I'm multilingual.

Android Studio for Android
Xcode for iOS
Figma for Design
What you can expect

I build apps that are more than pretty. I make them shippable and usable.

Clean and functional
User friendly
Efficient and maintainable

I bring results. 
My projects are proof.

View all projects
Let’s talk now!

That's me!

Over the past 7 years, I've gained experience working with a variety of companies, ranging from small enterprises to large energy and insurance corporations. I love building apps that delight users and help businesses, like yours, grow.